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Help and Advice Screen Time & Healthy Balance

4. Establish good habits early on

Both adults and children enjoy sharing moments with family and friends through online images and videos. Starting conversations and good habits early on is a great way to support children in staying safe online.

Set an example

Remember that you are your child’s role model and so if your goal is to use your devices more sparingly, and adhere to any rules that you have set e.g. device free meal times, then it is important to set a good example. If you need to use your device for something then consider explaining what you are doing and why, e.g. ‘I just need to message (insert name) and ask them to pick up milk on the way home!’

Get creative

Use the games, apps or TV shows as a starting point for getting creative at home. Does your child love mixing ingredients, or spreading pizza toppings within a baking game? Why not allow them to help you the next time you’re making food. Plenty of children’s TV channels have their own websites with fantastic activity suggestions that are specifically designed to fire up the imagination.

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