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Be conscious of sensitive topics

Please read though the activities beforehand, and use the points in the accompanying Teaching Guide (p.5) to reflect on how these lessons and subject matters may affect those you are teaching.

Please read though the activities beforehand, and use the points in the accompanying Teaching Guide (p.5) to reflect on how these lessons and subject matters may affect those you are teaching.

The subject matters in this toolkit are based on real-life examples, so may feel particularly pertinent and relevant to some young people. There is a high likelihood some students, or people they know, will have experienced an element of online sexual harassment. To discuss this behaviour in a group of their peers, some of whom will also know about their experiences and may even have played a part, may trigger an emotional response. Be sensitive to the students’ needs and make it clear they can speak to you or any member of staff at any point if they feel uncomfortable.

Also be aware of the triggering effect these issues may have on yourself or other members of staff. Online sexual harassment, and other offline forms of abuse and harassment can affect anyone. If you feel the topics will affect your emotional well-being, speak to your Senior Leadership Team for support. Detailed advice on preparing to discuss sensitive topics are found on p.5 and p.10 of the Teaching Guide.