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Resources Parents: Supporting Young People Online (Leaflets)

Guidance for schools

Cyberbullying is a form of bullying, and research reveals it has increased to affect 12% of young people in this country.

Cyberbullying is a form of bullying, and research reveals it has increased to affect 12% of young people in this country. This Guidance is designed to support schools in preventing and responding to cyberbullying.

The Guidance comprises of four main sections below. This work has been assisted by a range of experts in this area who formed part of an Advisory Board, as well as the voice of young people on this subject area. We also received great examples from schools of what they are doing in this area.

Executive summary pdf and what young people say pdf here

You can view or download the Guidance as a complete document, and below we have the 4 sections that make up this full Guidance, including further resources and examples from some schools.