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Let's Fight it Together resources
Let’s Fight It Together

Let’s Fight It Together – International

The ‘Let’s Fight It Together’ film was also available in a range of other countries around the world

In addition to the UK, the ‘Let’s Fight It Together’ film was also available in a range of other countries around the world.

Please click on the relevant country/language below to find out more:

‘Let’s Fight It Together’ is an award winning film produced by Childnet for the Department for Children Schools and Families to help sensitise young people to the pain and hurt which can be caused by cyberbullying.

The Australian Communication and Media Authority (the ACMA) worked with Childnet to adapt this resource and its accompanying materials, and made it freely available to all schools in Australia.

To order the Australian version of the film, email

‘Let’s Fight It Together’ ist ein preisgekrönter Film, der von Childnet für das Ministerium für Kinder, Schulen und Familien in Großbritannien produziert wurde. Er soll helfen, Jugendliche für die Kränkungen und den Schaden zu sensibilisieren, die durch Cyber-Mobbing veursacht werden können.

‘Let’s Fight It Together’ er en prisvindende film produceret af Childnet for ministeriet for børn, skoler og familier (Department for Children Schools and Families) for Hovedpræmissen i filmen er at hjælpe unge gennem de lidelser, som digital mobning kan medføre.

La version française de ce film a pu voir le jour grâce au soutien de Yahoo! Safely.

Questo film è disponibile in italiano grazie al generoso supporto di Yahoo! Safely.

Esta película está disponible en español, gracias a la generosa ayuda de Yahoo! Safely.