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Help and Advice What do I need to know about online gaming?

Age Ratings

Did you know that games and apps are often rated by age?

This means that you need to make sure you’re old enough to buy or play them!

Age rating information is shown on the back of the game case if you buy it in a shop and should be visible somewhere on the screen if you’re downloading it.

It’s important to remember that games are given ratings for a reason – they might be scary, violent or show other content which is only appropriate for grown-ups.

Sometimes we hear from young people who want to play a game even though they’re too young, especially if other people they know are playing it too.

Top Tips

  1. Ask a parent or whoever looks after you for permission first. We all know grown-ups don’t always know everything about the latest games, so it might be worth saying something like:
    “I want to play this game but it’s got a high age rating. Can you help me decide if it’s safe?”
  2. Remember that just because your friends are playing it, doesn’t mean you have to. Everybody is different and just because your friends are playing it, doesn’t make it the right choice for you too. We can all have different reactions to different things – there could still be things that might upset or scare you, so it’s okay to decide not to play.
  3. Know who to go to for support. Even if you’ve decided as a family that you’re allowed to play the game, there’s still a chance you might see or hear something which is upsetting. Make sure you have someone who you can go to for support – an adult at home or at school can give you advice and help you feel better.